Sophie Archibald, LCSW-Ph.D candidate

Sophie Ducrocq Archibald is a licensed clinical social worker, trainer, and mentor. Sophie’s training is in mind-body medicine and social work. She is a person-centered, existential therapist who uses integrative methods in counseling, coaching, and clinical supervision.

Sophie has developed continuing education workshops for therapists. The focus of her courses is therapeutic relationships which is the topic of her doctoral research. She is attending Saybrook University’s Mind-Body Medicine Ph.D. program and has a master's in Social Work from the University of Utah.

In her work, Sophie is guided by the trust in the expertise of your lived experience, your intuition, and hers. One of her greatest strengths is her conviction in the unique wisdom in each human being.

Over the years, Sophie’s knowledge about the human mind lead her to develop a keen understanding of the human experience she sees as holistic. She looks at your experience through a model she calls the Personal Ecosystem© of the mind-body-spirit.

Sophie’s work in counseling showed her that many people struggle with their mental health but didn’t fit a diagnosis. To help with this gap, Sophie was inspired to develop a mental wellness coaching program called WiND. WiND is designed to help achieve high levels of mental wellness.

Along with counseling, clinical supervision, and coaching, Sophie has provided MindShield training to first responders along the Wasatch Front and continues to support and collaborate with firefighters and their union representatives.

One of Sophie’s passions is therapists’ experience. She feels strongly about supporting practicing mental health counselors, clinical social workers, and all other psychotherapist providers in their roles in and out of the counseling office.

Sophie was born and raised in France. She moved to the United States over 25 years ago, and now lives in Utah with her family.
